Please include teachers' names, number of dancers (and details if new), dances taught, and any formations/steps taught
December 29 - Janice and Rebecca
21 dancers
Reviewed: Advance & Retire in Skip Change and pas de Basque
Reviewed dances for the Madison Winter Dance Party and the January 13 Demo
- Blue Bonnets (Madison Winter)
- Fife Ness (Madison Winter)
- Wind on Loch Fyne (Madison Winter)
- Pelorus Jack (Demo)
- Byron Strathspey (Demo)
- Toast to the Mousies (Demo)
December 22 - Rebecca and Terry
19 dancers
Reviewed: Sugar Candie Reels (LSh to 1cnr from center)
Bonny Blue Bride
Emmett's Chase
Sugar Candie
Galloping Carousel
Quarries' Jig
Reels 4 Your Corners
December 15 - Nancy and Terry
18 dancers
Taught: 3 couple chain progression, Espagnole
December 8 - Rebecca and Kate
23 dancers - including Aster who moved here from Milwaukee
Gloria's Wee Jig
The Flowering Heather
Quarries' Jig
Maxwell's Rant
Barbara's Strathspey
Links with St Petersburg
December 1 - Rebecca and Janice
16 dancers - including MSCR grad Megan and new dancer Kristen
- Emmett's Chase
- The Wind on Loch Fyne
- The Diamond Jubilee
- Bonnie Blue Bride
- Fife Ness
November 24 - Kate and Nancy
14 dancers - no MSCR grads :-(
Steps review: advance & retire using skip step instead of pas-de-basque
- Blue Bonnets
- Royal Deeside Railway
- The Silver Tassie
- Trip to Gretna Green
- Sugar Candie
- Hamilton Rant
November 17 - Graduation Party - Janice and Nancy
30 dancers including 8 from MSCR class and Dennis
- Circle of Cheer
- Charlestown Chaser
- Flowers of Edinburgh
- Seann Triubhas Willichan
- Toast to the Mousies
- Crabbit Shona
- Delvine Side
- The Bon Viveur
- Catch the Wind
November 10 - Janice and John
17 dancers including Mady, Steve, and a girl from Waukesha in complete head to toe Scottish garb
Formations: Arches, RHA, LHA, Rights & Lefts, Reels of 3 across, allemande for 2C,
- Circle of Cheer
- Delvine Side
- Crabbit Shona
- Salute to Miss Milligan
- Toast to the Mousies
- The Galloping Carousel
November 3 - Janice and Kate
18 dancers including newly retired Dennis who has done some Scottish and is well versed in several kinds of social dancing, and Halcyon who will be studying at UW Madison and learned Scottish while studying in the UK.
Formation: Reels of three (parallel RS Reels of three across as in Catch the Wind)
- The Buckie Jig (or should we call it the Bucky jig??)
- Catch the Wind
- The Whistling Wind
- The Rakes of Glasgow
- The Bon Viveur
- The Flowers of Edinburgh
October 27 - Nancy and Kate
17 dancers including returning MSCR dancer Audrey and new MSCR dancer Steve
Formations: Espagnole, Dance to corners and set
Stepping up and down
- The Machine without Horses
- Foggy River Reel
- Foxhill Court
- Bonny Blue Bride
- The Wind on Loch Fyne
- The Windy Lane (briefly)
October 20 - John and Rebecca
15 dancers
Formations: Reels of 3 across & on the side, Half turn & Cast Away, Set & Link for 3, petronella to the left
- Military 2Step with progression -- a continuation of the warm-up. RRW
- Napier's Index JMc
- Yamashita Park RRW
- Frog in the Middle JMc
- Sunshine and Sweetie's Jig RRW
- Saint John River JMc -- (?or Thornhill)
October 13 - Rebecca & Nancy
14 dancers
Formations: Chaperoned Chain Progression, Schiehallion reels
Focus on 1 1/2 turn by the right
- The Highlandman Kissed His Mother
- The Ravelston Rant
- Bon Viveur
- Trip to Tarble
- Linnea's Strathspey
- The Countess of Dunmore's Reel
October 6 - Nancy & Janice
15 dancers
Formations: The Targe, The Tourbillon, Dance to Corners and Set
- The Maids of Currie
- The Galloping Carousel
- Foxhill Court
- The Clansman
- One Set Short of a Hundred
- Napier's Index
September 29 - Summer Social - Janice & Rebecca
14 dancers
- Military Two Step
- The Greenbelt Jig
- The Thornhill Strathspey
- The Sailor
- Sunshine & Sweetie's Jig
- The Saint John River
- The Deil amang the Tailors
September 22 - Kate & Terry
12 dancers, focus on Skip change of step, long and short steps, keeping extended foot down
- Ring in the New
- The Countess of Dunmore's Reel
- The Saint John River
- Napier's Index
- The Thornhill Strathspey
- The Deil amang the Tailors
September 15 - Nancy & John
22 dancers, including 2 couples (James & Margaret Billingham, Ian & Brittany) who did very well with 3 of 6 dances! Margaret teaches cello and has done a lot of dance styles, including ceilidhs. Brittany teaches flute.
- The Pittsburgh Rake
- J.B. Milne
- One Set Short of a Hundred
- The Galloping Carousel
- Delvine Side
- Trip to Tarble
September 8 - Terry & Nancy
16 Dancers
Formations: Corners pass & cast away, Turns (covering)
- Miss Falconer's Fancy
- The Shetland Shepherdess
- Yamashita Park
- A Trip to Bavaria
- The Braes of Breadalbane
- Shiftin' Bobbins
September 1 - Nancy and Kate
15 Dancers
Formations: Advance & Retire, Set & Link for 3
- The Maids of Currie
- Joie de Vivre
- Yamashita Park
- Beach Dancer
- The Gentleman
- The Sailor
August 25 Social Dance - Janice (sub!) and Nancy
21 Dancers
- Borrowdale Exchange
- Starry Eyed Lassie
- Toast to the Mousies
- Minister on the Loch
- Pelorus Jack
- The Byron Strathspey
- Trip to TImber Ridge
August 18 - Janice and Kate
21 Dancers
Figure taught: Whoosh :-)
- Festival Interceltique
- Frog in the Middle
- Marianna's Strathspey
- Sunshine and Sweetie's Jig
- The Thornhill Strathspey
- Maxwell's Rant
- The Montgomeries' Rant
August 11 - Janice and Rebecca
20 Dancers
- The Robertson Rant
- Dorgie Glebe
- The Black Mountain Reel
- Laura's Wedding
August 4 - Nancy & Kate
14 dancers including new dancer Audrey Rollo, invited by Phyllis via a chance meeting in the Willy Street Coop! She was amazing and danced every dance except Bees
Formation taught: RS reel of 3 across the set
- Trip to Gaitlinburg (instead of Trip to Bavaria--Gill couldn't be there)
- Bees of Maggieknockater
- The Wishing Well
- Starry Eyed Lassie
- Sean Triubhas Willichan
- Montgomeries' Rant
July 28 - Kate & Nancy
15 dancers
Step reviewed: Pas-de-Basque for advance & retire
Beg & Borrow with 7C set in a Strathspey
- Pelorus Jack
- Fife Ness
- Braes of Tuillemet
- Mrs Stewart's Jig
- Asilomar Romantic
- Trip to Timber Ridge
July 21 - Janice & Rebecca - Social Dance/AGM
19(?) dancers
Formation taught: Petronella Pass
Step reviewed: Pas-de-Basque Coupé
- Military Two Step
- The Byron Strathspey
- Lord MacLay's Reel
- City Lights
- Marianna's Strathspey
- Mairi's Wedding
July 14 - Terry and Kate
20 dancers
- Cutty Sark
- Cadgers in the Cannongate
- Katherine Hamilton
- Scuppernong
- The Falkirk Lass
- Smiling Lila
July 7 - Nancy and Rebecca
16 dancers
- Toast to the Mousies
- Miss Welsh's Reel
- One Set Short of a Hundred
- Noah's Ark
- Neidpath Castle
- The Bawk
June 30 - Kate and Rebecca
Summer Social Evening w/ Chocolate Shoppe gathering
28 dancers (with 3 new dancers for 1st hr)
- Gay Gordons
- Catch the Wind
- Bon Viveur
- Starry Eyed Lassie
- Minister on the Loch
- Highlandman Kissed his Mother
June 23 - Janice and Rebecca
19 dancers
Taught Set to and Turn Corners
- The Ravelston Rant
- The Bon Viveur
- The Bawk
- Trip to Timber Ridge
- The Dashing White Sergeant
June 16 - Nancy and John
19 dancers
- EH3 7AF
- Polharrow Burn
- Invercauld's Reel
- The Golden Apple Jig
- Anna's Wedding Cake
June 9 - No dancing (Midwest Scottish Weekend)
June 2 - Terry and Nancy
21 dancers
- Long Pond Reel
- Lammermuir Hills
- Laura's Ceilidh
- Craven Jig
- Braes of Breadalbane
- Hyperactive Reel
- Quarries' Jig
May 25 - Rebecca and Kate
17 Dancers including Birthday person Gill
Reviewed Highland Schottisch setting with Birthday song
- Bill Clement MBE
- Many Happy Returns [of the day, Gill!]
- Chased Lovers
- [Gill] Robertson Rant
- Orpington Caledonians
- Craven Jig - could definitely use another review, it was late in the evening
May 19 - Rebecca and Janice
18 Dancers
Reviewed/Taught Pas de Basque (and moving); Taught Spurtle
- Highlandman Kissed his Mother
- Blue Mess Jacket
- Sleepwalking
- Seann Triubhas Willichan
- Peat Fire Flame
May 12 - Janice and Terry
19 dancers
Formations taught/reviewed: Set & rotate, Bourrel (2C), Reel of 3 [6]
- Laura's Ceilidh
- The Capital Pianist
- The Craven Jig
- The Cobblestones
- The Hyperactive Reel
May 5 - Janice and Kate
18 dancers
Step practice: Strathspey traveling, setting and Highland Schottische setting
Figures taught: Corners chain, Double ladies chain
- Hooper's Jig
- Robertson Rant
- The Music Makars
- Laura's Ceilidh - second half of dance
April 28 - No Dancing
Due to Wil-Mar function
April 21 - John & Nancy
21 dancers and observers David & Lindsay who found us through the Alasdair Fraser/Natalie Haas concert! They are interested in MSCR classes in the fall.
- Light & Airy
- Long Pond Reel
- Lady Lucy Ramsay
- Quarries' Jig
- The Minister on the Loch
- The Shetland Shepherdess
April 14 - Nancy & Janice
19 dancers
Reviewed strathspey traveling and setting steps.
Taught Strathspey poussette, solo R & L, knot, corner chain
- Whistler’s Jig
- Lammermuir Hills
- Peat Fire Flame
- Laura’s Ceilidh
- Deil Amang the Tailors
April 7 - Terry and Kate
16 dancers
"Larks and Robins"
Reviewed strathspey traveling (K) and taught special setting step for Glasgow Highlanders (T)
- Bill Clement MBE
- Lord Elgin's Reel
- Chased Lovers
- Starlight
- The Glasgow Highlanders (a work in progress, but mostly there!)
March 31 - Janice and Rebecca
23 dancers
- Postie's Jig
- Out of thin Air
- Orpington Caledonians
- Gothenburg's Welcome
- Gramachie
- Toast to the Mousies
March 24 no class - Ball Weekend
March 17 - Nancy & Terry
28 Dancers
Ball Review Part III
- The Highland Rambler
- Elphinstone Jig
- Saltire Strathspey
- Bratach Bana
- Lady Auckland's Reel
- Best Set in the Hall
March 10 - Terry & Janice
25 Dancers
Ball Review Part II
- New Year Jig
- Another Trip Around the Sun
- On the Fly
- Links with St Petersburg
- Rights to Business
- The Mason's Apron
March 3 - Janice and Kate
32!!! Dancers
Ball Review Part I
- Joanna's Jig
- Toast to the Mousies
- Bonnie Stronshiray
- The Express
- The Water of Leith
- Flowers of Edinburgh
February 25 - John & Nancy
25 dancers
Figure taught: Espagnole
- New Year Jig
- The Water of Leith
- Bratach Bana
- A Trip to Egypt
- Another Trip Around the Sun
- Toast to the Mousies
February 18 - Rebecca & Kate
22 dancers
Reviewed figure: 1C Reel of 3 on partner's side followed by reel of 3 on own side.
- Highland Rambler
- Saltire Strathspey
- The Express
- Toast to the Mousies
- Bonnie Stronshiray
- Elphinstone Jig
February 11 - Janice & Terry
20 dancers including Mike and Paula again.
Formations taught: Worked in the hall on corners formation in Best Set in the Hall Bars 9-24 with Tom, Christine (newer dancer in Mke), Paula & Mike
- The Brownie of Blednoch
- Links with St Petersburg
- Best Set in the Hall
- Flowers of Edinburgh
- Bonnie Stronshiray
February 4 - Nancy & Kate
21 dancers including Mike and Paula, who are taking MSCR class for the second time.
Steps taught: Strathspey traveling
Formations taught: Espagnole
- Joanna’s Jig
- Mason’s Apron
- Lady Auckland’s Reel
- Glayva
- The Water of Leith
- Bratach Bana (not taught, only for those who knew the dance)
January 28 – Rebecca & John
25 dancers from Twin Cities, Madison, Milwaukee, Chicago. Including former member Patricia Zanton (4 years since she danced) and two from Winter 2023 MSCR class (Camille & Lily Mae, AKA Junior)
- Corn Rigs
- Reel of the Royal Scots
- Another Trip Around the Sun
- Burns Night
- On the Fly
- The Lea Rig
- Mason’s Apron
January 21 – Rebecca & Nancy
17 dancers
- Highland Rambler
- On the Fly
- Sarona
- Lord Maclay’s Reel
- Rights to Business
- Links with St. Petersburg
January 14 - Kate & Nancy
17 dancers on a -5° night!
Formations taught: 2 couple allemande, the knothole
Steps: advance pas-de-basque into skip change
- New Year Jig
- The Express
- The Royal Deeside Railway
- Sylvia Full of Grace
- Elphinstone Jig
- Fair Donald
- Montgomeries’ Rant
January 7 - Janice & Rebecca
19 dancers, including returning newbies Marie and Sandy
- Pint o'Ale is Fain
- Currie Mountain
- Angels with Whiskers
- Last of the Lairds
- Rose of the North
- Compleat Gardener
- Alan J. Smith
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